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注册1987年秋季的课程仍然需要排很长的队, 但过去几十年的抽卡系统已经不复存在. 1991年,学生们开始了网上自我注册的过程.从1987年开始, every residence hall room was equipped with a terminal networked to a common server that provided access to an online library catalog, 文字处理和电子邮件.Dr. 大卫Bahnemann, 数学/计算机科学教授, teaches one of the first classes for students desiring a Computer Science degree at Northwest.总统B.D. 欧文斯 and Provost George English serve barbecue during Freshman Advantage to new students and their parents.President 欧文斯 talks with student theater majors on the stage at the Charles Johnson Theater in the Olive DeLuce Fine Arts Building.熊猫队的篮球总是吸引大批观众到兰金体育馆.  从1993年开始,熊猫篮球在熊猫体育馆举行.杰西·杰克逊牧师于3月15日访问了校园, 1995年作为威尼斯人在线杰出讲座系列的一部分. 学生们听教授博士讲课. 20世纪70年代,威廉·弗莱明(William Fleming)在戈登大厅的一间演讲厅里.再加上计算机科学学位, 威尼斯人在线吸引了对计算机和信息技术感兴趣的学生.  最早的编程课之一是由Dr. 加里·麦克唐纳. 麦当劳在他的课堂上帮助学生.学生们在威尼斯人在线新生优势周期间享受野餐. The Fitness Center in Lamkin Gym was a popular place for Northwest athletes during the mid-1980s.  The Fitness Center is still popular today and all students have access to the area, 以及建于20世纪90年代末的娱乐中心.著名的诗人, 艺术家, 畅销书作家, 剧作家, 女演员, 民权活动家和历史学家, Maya Angelou, 12月访问西北. 4, 1995.  Angelou spoke to a packed audience at the Mary Linn Performing Arts Center (now the Ron Houston Performing Arts Center) as part of Northwest's Distinguished Lecture Series.诺贝尔和平奖得主、南非前总统曼德拉.W. DeKlerk于10月11日访问了威尼斯人在线. 2006年5月5日,作为威尼斯人在线杰出讲座系列的一部分发表演讲.  DeKlerk is accredited with ending apartheid in South Africa and releasing Nelson Mandela.  Mandela was also a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize and rose from political prisoner to President of South Africa following the dissolution of apartheid.Northwest student organizations produced elaborate floats like the Wizard of ID for the 1973 Homecoming ParadeThe Pink Panther visited his friend 鲍比熊猫 during the 1973 Homecoming Parade at Northwest.  The Pink Panther was a series of comedy films featuring the bumbling French police detective Jacques Clouseau that began in 1963 with the release of the film of the same name. The Northwest High Rise Complex Queen rides in a convertible during the 1973 Homecoming Parade.A group of Northwest sorority sisters ride on a Maryville fire truck during the 1973 Homecoming Parade to show their school spirit.Students work on a Homecoming Float during the 1987 Northwest Homecoming Parade.  Hundreds of sorority sisters and fraternity brothers prepared lavish floats made of tissue paper and chicken wire to represent favorite cartoon characters.The Peanuts Gang with Snoopy sitting on top of his dog house was just one of the many cartoon-inspired floats that rolled down College Avenue during the 1987 Northwest Homecoming Parade.Sesame Street comes to College Avenue during the 1987 Northwest Homecoming Parade.国际学生组织, in cooperation with the Information Technology department joined together to showcase how the Electronic Campus connected 熊猫s around the World during the 2007 Northwest Homecoming Parade.The theme of the 2007 Homecoming Parade was "鲍比熊猫 Goes Around the World" and floats like the Information Technology/International Student Organization float represented Northwest's global outreach.The Northwest Cheerleaders show their spirit and encourage the crowd to show their 熊猫 pride during the 2007 Northwest Homecoming Parade.The Northwest Marching Band strut their musical stuff during the 2007 Northwest Homecoming Parade.

Since becoming a university, Northwest students have participated in a wide range of activities. The annual Christmas Yuletide Feast began in 1973 under the direction of Gilbert Whitney and later Dr. 理查德Weymuth. The Department of Fine and Performing Arts to this day bring seasonal medieval cheer to countless Northwest alumni, 教师, 工作人员, 学生和玛丽维尔社区. In 1971, Walk-out Day was briefly discontinued due to students using the day for inappropriate off-campus activities. 但是罢工日的传统在1977年恢复了.

Student Senate introduced the Tower Service Awards in 1987 for service and in 1998, 并推出“品质承诺奖”. 西北的行政,在总统的领导下 迪恩·哈伯德, helped Northwest win four Missouri Quality Awards with its institutional commitment to quality program. 学生运动员在许多运动项目中获胜,尤其是足球. 熊猫足球赢得了1998年和1999年的冠军.

In 1987, students saw a dramatic change in how they communicated with the implementation of the Electronic Campus program. Networked terminals were placed in every residence hall room and then were later upgraded to networked, 装有标准化大学软件的个人电脑, 包括Microsoft Windows和Office Professional.

随着在线注册的出现,注册课程变得更容易了, 先是Star和WebStar,然后是CatPAWS. SOAR was established in the late 1990s to help first-time freshmen students acclimate to campus prior to the start of classes. SOAR (Summer Orientation Advisement and Registration program) allows incoming students and their parents to spend one day on campus visiting with a SOAR Leader (a current Northwest student who shares similar interests to their own). 在飙升, 家长和新生与指导老师见面, register for first semester classes and get the opportunity to visit the residence halls. In 2008, all full-time Northwest students received a wireless notebook computer with standardize university software as part of the Electronic Campus's on-going initiative to make technology ubiquitous on campus.